8 Facts About Cars: You don't know

8 Facts About Cars: You Don't know

As we know that the world has become more modern and attractive day by day. With the changing world, we need to change ourselves. Today I am going to tell you some facts about cars that very few people know. So let's get started without ado. 

Fact#1: Parts in the car

Whenever we talk about manufacturing anything that thing is made with some small parts or pieces. Similarly, when we talk about manufacturing a car, it is made by joining or combining many small and big parts. Most of our people don't know the names and functions of the parts of cars. Even 80% of people don't know the names and functions of the parts of the cars, but do you know how many parts are a car made up of? 

According to observers, the manufacturer companies of cars, and research done on a car, it has been revealed that there are almost 30,000 parts that parts are used and helped in the manufacturing of a new model of car. Car manufacturers first assemble 30,000 parts and then a car goes to complete. 

Fact#2: Opening  of Airbags   

Friends, most of you guys must be known about the airbag system in the car. it is an air-filled balloon that automatically opens in case of an accident and saves the passenger from being hit by the vehicle. The people who don't know about airbags in case of an accident situation do not use this facility and enter the life-in-danger zone. But you will be surprised to know a normal airbag opens in just 0.3 sec and saves the passenger. It is truly amazing.

Big car Manufacturer companies provide more and more facilities for our customers Because If the customer is satisfied the demand for this car in the market is so high and the company gets benefit more and more. Therefore, the company provide more facility their customer in case of emergency situation airbags is a very important thing to save the life of customers so, the company improves their quality and win the trust of our customers as time passes.

 Fact#3: Peoples have cars in America

As you know that America is one of the most developed countries in the world. America is the superpower of the world and the progress and economy of America is best and increase as time passes. You can judge the progress of America on this thing that most powerful countries get the loan to America.

Many people in this country own cars. But did you know that 96% of people in America own automatic Vehicles? The concept of manual cars in this country is very low. You will be surprised to know that most of the people in this country do not know how to drive manual cars. According to research conducted on automobiles in 2021, only 5% of cars with manual gears were sold in the United States of America while 95% of cars with automatic gears. 

Fact#4: Not payment of cars

Friends, every country in the world continues to order vehicles from other countries, just vehicles are not that are transferred from one country to another, other things that we need in daily life the countries transfer to another. if these vehicles are bought by Government, they are ordered in hundreds or thousands. But what if the government refuses to pay the company after the vehicles? 

Well, in 1970, the North Korean government bought 1,000 brand-new cars from Sweden. When the cars were delivered to them, the North Koreans refused to pay. The price of these cars was more than 70 Million. the cause of this refusal is not known. Interestingly, Sweden sends the bill for these cars to North Korea every year but they don't respond to it. This is truly unbelievable. 

 Fact#5: Picture of cars on currency notes

Friends, many of you may know about the country of Cambodia, but some of you may not have seen its currency. Normally every currency note has pictures of its National leader and his famous place, but you will be surprised to know that nothing like this happens on Cambodian currency. Its currency notes have images of cars such as the Nissan Juke and the Toyota Camry. Even the old Compodian currency notes have a picture of the Posh car. Cambodian currency is really unusual.

Fact#6: The best-selling car in the world

You all know that every person's choice is different from another person's. Every person has their own feelings and their own thinking. Similarly, when it's time to buy a car, everyone chooses the model of their choice, but you will never believe that there is a car in the world that is liked by 80% of the people of the world. The name of this car is Toyota Corolla. Because the look of the Toyota Corolla is very decent and attractive these days. In 2019, it was also awarded the world's best-selling car. While more than 1.1 Million Toyota Corolla cars were sold in 2020. 

Fact#7: In which country are cars stolen the most?

Cars thieves exist in every corner of the world, Thieves are very talented and great-minded. There is no country where vehicles are not stolen. Although stealing vehicles is not a small matter still, thieves steal them easily. You don't know the great fact that America is considered one of the most developed countries in the world. T.he economy of this country is very strong and very good compared with other big and developed countries but you will be surprised to know that America is the country in the world where most cars are stolen. You won't believe that a car is stolen every 45 minutes here, and the interesting thing is that the stolen cars are many companies but most of the stolen Honda vehicles are here.

Fact#8:  Parking the car

Friends, you know every person that lives on Earth thinks more of the facilities are available for his life and to achieve this goal every person does hard work and achieves the facilities. Similarly, People buy things for their facilities and to make easier their life.

Every person to easily and comfortably travel to buy a car.The people who buy cars for her facility. As we know a car is bought for driving but you can be surprised to hear the amazing fact that most cars in the world spend most of their time in the mood of parking. In the world, 96%  of cars are in the time of 24 hours run just for 2 hours, and 22 hours are spent in parking.

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